Problem description: Hello doctor! My daughter is 10 years old this year. She started pulling her hair in October 2020. At that time, it was because she didn’t have a good writing score in the mid-term exam. After returning home, I severely criticized it. As a result, she started pulling her hair. Pulling the eyebrows, starting to pull the hair after the eyebrows are plucked. Recently, it has become more and more serious. Half of the hair has been plucked. Most of the hair plucking is the most serious during class or homework, because the parents tried their best to pull out the hair. It doesn’t work at all. She seems to be pulling her own hair involuntarily, and there is no way to control her pulling it out. Sometimes I ask her whether it hurts to pull it out. She said it didn’t hurt, and she barely got rid of when she played, that was the worst problem in class and homework. As a parent, what should I do? Which department should I hang in when I go to the hospital?
Question date:2021-04-25
Patient information:Age: 10 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, I’m your doctor. In this case, consider the psychological problems caused by stress.
Guiding suggestions: You can go to the psychology department of the hospital and fill out a questionnaire to evaluate the situation
Recommendations are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious