Problem description:Hello doctor! A 56-year-old male, diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in September 2020, transferred liver, kidney and bone, genetically tested for BRAF mutations, 6 months after taking dabrafenib and trametinib, he was rechecked for abdominal pain and found that the original lesions were well controlled, but the abdomen Lymph nodes at the liver-gastrointestinal fusion were enlarged and new liver lesions were added. Since April 9, 2021, I have been in the hospital to solve the problem of abdominal pain, but the abdominal pain has increased and the flatulence has been increased. Re-examination on May 7 showed that the condition showed an explosive development, with pleural effusion, ascites, pulmonary edema, and biliary obstruction, and was unable to eat. The situation is critical now, what should I do to consult a doctor? Can radiotherapy dredge the bile duct?
Question date:2021-05-08
Patient information:Age: 56 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: From your description, this patient is already in the advanced stage of malignant tumor.
Guide and suggestion: In view of this situation, palliative care and symptomatic treatment should be considered. As long as the pain of the patient can be relieved, the method of prolonging the life of the patient can be used.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection