Problem description: The child is now six years old and has such small particles on both sides of his cheeks. It does not hurt or itch, and does not affect normal daily work and rest. But I feel that the girl has always been on her face. I would like to consult what it is and how to treat it.
Question date:2021-05-08
Patient information:Age: 6 years old, Gender: Female< br />Problem analysis: Hello, consider allergies or eczema according to the situation you described. Pay attention to local hygiene and keep clean, do not grab with your hands.
Guidelines:< /b>Don’t eat some spicy food in your diet. You can apply Baiduobang, take a bath frequently, and change clothes frequently. If it does not fade, you can check it by a dermatologist.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection