Problem description: Vaginal leakage during defecation, what’s the matter, since childhood, how to treat, should I go to gynecology or anorectal department,
Question date:2021- 05-10
Patient information:Age: 28 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, according to the symptoms, we must be wary of having a rectum and vagina Fistula is a pathological passage between the rectum and anal canal and the vagina. It is formed due to anorectal hypoplasia and abnormal opening of the rectum to the vagina.
Guide and suggestion: This situation can easily lead to recurrent gynecological inflammation, and it is necessary to go to the anorectal department as soon as possible to help improve it through anorectal surgery.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection