Problem description: Hello, Dr. Chen, I have checked, now it is lung cancer, and then metastasized to the bone, can drinking Chinese medicine relieve the pain
Question date: 2021-05-17
Patient information:Age: 58 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Male, 58 years old, CT: right scapula Quality damage with edema, nodules in the upper lobe of the right lung, can Chinese medicine relieve pain?
Guide and suggestion: According to the information provided, the possibility of bone metastasis is high! Need to do a full inspection! If lung cancer is highly suspected, a needle biopsy is recommended to confirm the pathological diagnosis! If it is adenocarcinoma, genetic testing is recommended to see if you can take targeted drugs! If there is pain in the metastasis of the right scapula, local radiotherapy can be used to relieve the pain!
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection