Description of the problem: Recently, there are pimples on the chest and back, arms and legs, it is very itchy, and I have used a few mouthfuls and topical applications have no effect.
Date of the problem:2021-05-19
Patient information:Age: Gender:
Problem analysis:Hello, it is papular urticaria in terms of symptoms . It is recommended that after removing the cause, if the repetition is not good, it is best to go to the hospital for an allergen test to find out which substances are allergic to, and avoid contact at ordinary times. Desensitization therapy can also be used.
Guide and suggestion: Generally, anti-allergic drugs such as cyproheptadine or carretan can be taken orally, and calamine lotion or cyproheptadine ointment can be used externally. Don’t eat spicy food, don’t drink alcohol, and maintain hygiene.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection