Problem description: What is the reason for the tongue? Are there any symptoms?
Question date:2021-05-22
Patient information:Age: 19 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: At present, you can not diagnose the diagnosis if you provide incomplete information. If you can’t see the real situation, you can’t judge. Common causes are mucosal inflammation, mucosal ulcers, grooved tongues, and map tongues.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended to go to the stomatology department. Mucosal inflammation and mucosal ulcers can be diagnosed by the doctor’s face-to-face consultation. Mucosal inflammation and mucosal ulcers can be rinsed with saline, and watermelon frost spray can be applied locally to heal itself. The cause of the tongue groove pattern on the map is unknown and cannot be cured. No symptoms do not require treatment. If the pain affects eating, you can rinse your mouth with normal saline, apply the watermelon frost spray locally, and stop the drug if you have no symptoms.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection