Problem description: I didn’t care about the abrasions on my legs. I got irritated after taking a bath in the summer, and after using the wrong medicine, melanin is present. Now it has been seven or eight years, can I still get rid of it?
Question date:2021-05-30
Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis:Like this For scars in this situation, you can first apply some freckle cream with silicone ingredients. It should be relieved and improved. As for the degree of recovery, everyone is different. In addition, you can also go to the hospital for instrumental treatment, which can greatly ease and improve. But it is impossible to return to normal skin.
Guide and suggestion: For pure pigmentation, you can use some topical ointments such as arbutinic acid and azelaic acid, which can inhibit melanin deposition and accelerate pigmentation. You can also go to the hospital for use Laser Treatment. Regardless of the treatment, the current situation requires avoiding sun exposure.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection