The Weibo platform has long severely cracked down on the black-produced navy forces, and it is strictly forbidden to sell fans, brush likes and other sales information in the account. Recently, according to the algorithm identification and netizens’ reports, the station party found that some account nicknames, avatars and profiles contained illegal information such as “undertake to brush likes” and “top hits”. The station conducted in-depth investigations based on the clues organization strength and found that these accounts had clear malicious marketing behaviors such as selling fans, impulse, and malicious attention.

According to the relevant provisions of the “Weibo Community Convention”, the site is popular on @刷赞刷读刷评论@刷赞评论Fans reading and forwarding @承接APP Brush volume 18,670 violating accounts including Impulse were shut down in accordance with regulations.

The governance of the cyber criminals and navy forces requires all parties to join hands and advance together. The Weibo platform welcomes netizens to actively provide clues for reporting.

How to report: You can make a complaint and report through the “spam marketing” option in the front desk complaint.