Problem description: I have always wanted to shave off the pubic hair from my private parts, but I am worried that it will become more serious. Will girls’ pubic hair be shaved and thicker?
Date of problem:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 24 Gender: Female
Women’s pubic hair may appear worse The thicker the shave is, so laser treatment can be used to permanently remove pubic hair. Under normal circumstances, women’s pubic hair is one of the secondary sexual characteristics, which has a lot to do with the level of hormones in the body. Generally, it will not affect the health of the body, but if you wear bikini clothes, there may be discomfort in appearance. You can use scraping or laser treatment. Removal with a razor can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and the hair that grows back may become black and thick. Therefore, laser treatment can be used. It is recommended that women should relax their minds at ordinary times, avoid excessive anxiety, pay more attention to the cleaning of the perineum, and wash them with warm water every day to prevent infection.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection