Problem description: I am young, but there are a lot of spots and sunburns on my face. How can I remove spots and sunburns on my face?
Question date:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: Female
Spotted face and sunburn , Generally can only be removed by medical beauty methods, such as laser freckle removal. Laser freckle removal is a commonly used method for freckle removal. It mainly uses the unique wavelength of laser to act on the surface of pigment particles on the skin, which can crush the pigment particles and then metabolize them by the body to achieve the effect of freckle removal. In addition, laser freckle removal will only damage the spots, and will not cause damage to the surrounding skin. It also has the effect of tenderizing the skin. If you have chloasma on your face, in addition to laser freckle removal, it is generally necessary to cooperate with drug treatment and life conditioning to achieve high freckle removal.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection