Problem description: I want to remove the pubic hair, but my friend said that girls’ pubic hair will become thicker and thicker, so I want to ask if girls’ pubic hair is really shaved and thicker?
Date of problem:2021-06-13
Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: Female
Shaving pubic hair will not cause pubic hair to grow The thicker it comes, because the number and thickness of pubic hair are determined by the content of male hormones in the body. Shaving the pubic hair will not cause the pubic hair to become thicker and thicker. If it is often shaved with a razor, it may become more and more vigorous, but it will not become thicker. If it becomes thicker, it may be inflammation of the hair follicle. After repairing the hair follicle inflammation, the pubic hair will return to its original thickness. There are menstrual blood on the pubic hair, so you must keep the vulva clean and refreshed at ordinary times. You can shave more in normal times because it can prevent inflammation. Be sure to clean the vulva first, and choose a special pruning tool, which can reduce the risk of infection. If you accidentally become infected with your pores, you must go to the hospital for medical treatment immediately.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection