Problem description: My eyebrows are a bit short and light in color. I went to the hospital for eyebrow tattoo surgery. Can I rub my eyebrows after the eyebrow tattoo surgery?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 40 Gender: Female
You can’t rub your eyebrows after tattooing For eyebrows, it may cause the eyebrows to fade or cause local wound infection. It is not allowed to rub the eyebrows after tattooing, as this may cause color loss or local wound infection. After the eyebrow tattoo surgery, local swelling will occur, and the wound will scab and fall off in about a week. If you rub your eyebrows with your hands during this period, it may cause increased bleeding and inflammation, affect the recovery time, and may not achieve the effect of eyebrow tattoos. . When your eyebrows are too short or light in color, you can go to a regular hospital for eyebrow tattoo surgery to improve. Generally, the effect is ideal and it can effectively improve your facial image. Pay attention to the cleansing and care of the eyebrows after the operation. The diet is mainly light and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not eat hot peppers, onions, garlic and other irritating foods, and do not use heavy-pigmented condiments such as soy sauce and vinegar.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection