Problem description: During this period of time, I have some acne on my face. I want to use salicylic acid to improve the acne. Is salicylic acid harmful to acne?
Question date:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 40 Gender: Female
Salicylic acid is harmful to acne , It is possible to inhibit platelet aggregation. After salicylic acid is used for acne treatment, improper care may result in dry skin or severe redness and swelling. Skin irritation or allergies may occur. Because the concentration of salicylic acid is different, the effect of the treatment is also different. Too the same, when doing salicylic acid peeling, you should choose a regular top three hospital. Salicylic acid peeling can treat acne, has the effect of shrinking pores and clearing up blackheads, and can promote the body’s metabolism. Drink more warm water in daily life to replenish the water needed by the body. After finishing salicylic acid to remove acne, you should do a good job of sun protection, and do not go to activities in a humid and dry environment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection