Problem description: I went to the hospital to have eyebrow tattoos, and now it is in the later stage of repair. What can be used to replace the repair cream after eyebrow tattoos?
Date of problem:2021-06-14
Patient information:Age: 32 Gender: Female
The repair cream can be used after tattooing. Instead of using growth factor gel or vitamin E cream, you can also use some disinfectant syrup to wipe. After tattooing, most people need to insist on applying some repairing liquid under the guidance of a doctor to help the local recovery. If there is no repairing liquid, it is best to use some anti-inflammatory and wound healing ointment even under the guidance of a doctor. Eyebrow tattooing can adjust the shape of the eyebrow appropriately, but it is likely to cause a small wound in the local area. After getting the eyebrow tattoos, in addition to applying them in time, you should also change your diet, try to eat as many fruits rich in vitamins as possible, and then drink plenty of water to promote your own metabolism.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection