This article is from WeChat work number: Arima Sports (ID: youmatiyu) , author: S brother, the subject map from: IC PHOTO


What is equality? If we do not invoke the theories of the great gods like Locke and Rousseau, but resort to daily life experiences, what kind of personal experience will we have?

As a political concept, equality defines the basic relationship between people. In fact, equality is also a way of thinking, such as compassion and empathy. Human thinking is sometimes narrow, inertial, and compassion and empathy will allow us to avoid narrow traps.

For example, what do we think of the British Prime Minister Boris’ infection with the new crown into the ICU. Boris advocated “group immunity”, which had caused a lot of controversy in the country before. People thought he was too arrogant and mocked him as “the first person in group immunity”.

The condition worsened into the ICU, and it may even be possible to use a ventilator, and some commentators finally paid the price for the previous error.

This is not an equal way of thinking.

Everyone is a victim before the virus attacks. Imagine others as another me, realizing that even if labeled as prime minister, it is impossible to escape human vulnerability, and may be more alert and sensitive to their own situation and survival situation.

People share the same heart. Such vigilance and sensitivity will make people introspect, make people more cherish their rights and pay attention to their situation. This kind of introspection is more meaningful to an individual’s life than to simply and rudely make a judgment on who is more spiritual than anyone.

Every life is the same, every life is specific, and every life is part and whole of the value of life. I feel this sympathy is a way of thinking that is beneficial to the individual.


The news world is very lively, we are used to watching it. In fact, in the excitement of disturbance, if we have a little more empathy, we will be “open and cheerful” like the fisherman who is looking for the source of peach blossom in the story of the peach blossom. As if there was light.

Same thing. What empathy is is to think more about the truth.

For example, when we comment on international news, we often comment on Trump’s mistakes and Boris’s mistakes, as if these people often make mistakes, which is funny. Of course, Trump is very exaggerated. After a while, he tweeted with netizens, and then said that he was wrong.

Boris is also very happy. When he was a young man, he interned in the Times and wrote citations. When he was in the forefront, he was the editor-in-chief of The Bystander. Although they are expensive as heads of state, they are almost like funny entertainers.

Boris participated in a charity game last year and served as a goalkeeper. Because the players were dissatisfied with the government’s reduction of the football budget, they all kicked the ball towards Boris, so that the picture of this public relations show was grinning and very funny.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Trump and Boris both underestimated the outbreak. Why can these “misplaced” living treasures be eaten? In fact, it’s not difficult to understand if you think about it. It’s the equality that you can perceive with each other on Weibo.

Either there is no one, or there is no one. This is called empathy.


About Boris, finally tell two more Chinese stories.

I think it’s very dramatic, just like performance art: one is to play Weibo and the other is to take the subway.

There is an official ancestral account of the “British Prime Minister” on Weibo. When Cameron is prime minister, he will make more appointments during the Spring Festival and wish Chinese netizens a happy New Year Boris took over in February this year, and the most commented question by Chinese netizens is “When will Detective Sherlock 5 come out?”

Boris diagnosed New Crown Weibo with nearly 20,000 comments. Netizens called him Master Bao and wished him a speedy recovery. “Master Bao, you must survive.” Boris has messy blonde hair, and netizens mischievously advised him to leave during isolation, and remember to get a haircut after recovery.

In October 2013, Boris visited China and experienced Beijing Metro Line 1. According to a reporter from the Beijing News, Boris sat from Xidan to the princess grave and looked atThe environment in Tieli is praised as “really clean”; when I heard that it costs only two yuan for the whole journey, I felt “really cheap”; when I learned that Line 1 was built in the 1960s, I wowed, “really.” / p>

The only thing Boris feels a bit regretful is that there are too many people.

Weibo, the official website of the Beijing Subway, reported this incident, and asked how my friends who took the Beijing Subway every day thought about it.

Someone commented below, “It is recommended that the mayor try again at 7:30 in the morning.”

This article is from WeChat work number: Arima Sports (ID: youmatiyu) , author: S brother