As a growth benchmark for all products in the world, to have a deep understanding of the ultimate growth curve, how exponential growth occurs in this company, and how its network effect is formed. href = “”> “Roc growth memorandum” (ID: RocGrowthMemo) , author: Roc Yu.

Changwen dry goods are warned again, the reading time is about 5-8 minutes, and the recommended number of repeated readings: 3-5 times.

As the last case of the network effect growth series, today I want to discuss with you in depth an overseas instant messaging software whatsapp, as a growth benchmark for all products in the world, to gain a deep understanding of the ultimate growth curve and exponential growth How it happened to this company and how its network effect was formed.

Although the gold mine of whatsapp has not been exploited in the commercialization of “monetization”, it is a very important member of the Facebook troika (facebook messenger, instagram, whatsapp), it helps Facebook Firmly defend the status of global social hegemony. (The green area in the figure below represents the global coverage of whatsapp)

Just in February 2020, whatsapp announced that the number of global users exceeded the 2 billion mark, and continued to lead the global IM instant messaging software market with 1.6 billion monthly active users (MAU).

October 2019 global instant messaging software MAU

Facebook ’s founder Zuckerberg once said publicly, “Instant messaging software (Messaging) is one of the few things that people use more frequently than social networking.