Under the evolution of the times, there will always be a constant “new and old struggle”.

Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Zinc Finance” (ID: xincaijing) , author: single.

Being accused of commission issues Meituan takeaway seems to be the political right now.

The so-called commission, also known as the “dental servant” at the earliest, refers to the remuneration obtained by intermediaries such as dental dealers and brokers for introducing business. With the development of the Internet, commissions have become an important way for the platform to earn income from settled merchants.

But should Meituan takeaway be blamed? It is better to talk about the past 40 years ago.

1978 was an extremely significant year for China ’s economic history. From 1976 to 1978, China’s economy has resumed orderly production for two years. When attention was focused on economic production, more active thoughts accompanied it.

At this point, the Chinese economy has ushered in 40 years of soaring. At the same time, there was also a vigorous 40-year entrepreneurial wave.

An indisputable fact is that when the wheels of history roll forward, some people catch up, but there are always people who are crushed under the wheels.

01 “Down Lord” became the firstRich people

In 1955, on the eve of the completion of the three major transformations, domestic production was dominated by small-scale people ’s communes of about 30 households; on the occasion of the party ’s founding in 1958, after the instruction of the “Chengdu Conference” was issued In the country, there has been a mighty large-scale socialization movement, and some areas even have 6000-7000 large communities.

Until the early 1980s, this principle of egalitarian production prevailed in China ’s economic production for more than 30 years. It was not until 1978 that the emergence of large-scale contracts began to revolutionize this backward form of production. Since it is a revolution, there will be “bleeding”- It’s just that the “bleeding” in the peaceful era is at the expense of the interests of some people.

In the period of the People ’s Commune, relying on meal tickets for meals was from the source network

The transformation of the production form breaks the “equalism”. In the original form, there must be people who touch the fish. After the production situation is changed, this part of people is denied. From the moment a critical step was taken, there was no intention to satisfy everyone.

For those who are still immersed in “equalism”, the same means that they do not eat enough.

At the same time, the first generation of entrepreneurs began to enter the stage of the history of Chinese entrepreneurship.

In 1980, not many people came to the exhibition at an auto parts exhibition held in the gymnasium in Shandong Jiaonan County. After all, cars at that time were rare objects for most people. But a stall outside the stadium was crowded with people.

Among the crowd, Lu Guanqiu, 35, is struggling to sell his own spare parts. His price is nearly 20% cheaper than the national names in the stadium. Lu Guanqiu’s limelight also made some “national name” manufacturers feel ashamed of themselves. During the preaching, a pot of cold water poured through his body.

He knew that this was jealousy from his peers. But a few days later, Lu Guanqiu still got 2 million orders-this was an astronomical figure at the time.

But before the Central Government issued Document No. 4 in 1984, Lu Guanqiu ’s Universal Joint Factory had not been labeled as a regular army. . It was not until the issuance of the No. 4 document that enterprises such as Lu Guanqiu were unified as “township and village enterprises” and treated equally with state-owned enterprises.

Lu Guanqiu and the universal joint factory Xiaoshan old site at the young age Tuyuan network

This move has brought about a qualitative change in the original ranking thinking of “Shandong Agriculture, Industry and Commerce”. In the 1980s, the Chinese economy ushered in a period of “dual-track”, which meant that while price control was imposed on some raw materials, it allowed companies to produce and sell themselves.

The rise of the enterprise and the birth of an active market also saw the earliest “downper”. The so-called “reverse master” is the connector that connects the enterprise side and the consumer side, and earns the difference from it. However, under the “downside” model of this period, the upstream and downstream ends, product information, and price system were almost opaque.

In essence, this business model has almost become one of the core models that will lead China ’s 40-year entrepreneurial wave.

The emergence of “downlord” broke the time and space restrictions between upstream and downstream, and promoted the circulation of commodities. It’s just that at the time, “the Lord”, more roles played the role of breaking the “spatial and temporal” information gap and accelerating the circulation of commodities. At the time, there was no mention of user experience and value-added services.

The era moves forward, and the focus of entrepreneurship also moves towards “user experience and value-added services”. The form of “downlord” has also evolved from self-employed to distributors to platforms.

2018 big fire TV series” Dajiang Dahe “, Yang Xun, one of the protagonists, is the” Inverted Lord “Tuyuan Network

Especially the emergence of the Internet platform has broken the information gap between various links in an instant. For the upstream, the formation of an extremely clear market panorama is also extremely great The status of “seller market” has been improved.

For example, the e-commerce platform of the past 20 years and the current life service platform represented by Meituan do not directly resell commodities, but provide services, which is both an inevitable historical development and The test of the adaptability and survivability of practitioners in the rapid iteration wave.

02 Internet era

After entering the 1990s, after the southern inspection, the Xiahai wave came before the wave of Internet entrepreneurship.

Yu Minhong at the time should be closer to the current circle. In 1991, two years after resigning from Peking University, he founded New Oriental.

As the earliest training institution, what it calls for is the school ’s educational efficiency. At that time, public school education, which was mainly based on establishment, occupied absolute authority. For the education market at that time, due to the lack of educational resources, there was almost no choice.

Yu Minhong ’s early photos of entrepreneurship: Tuyuan Network

Even if teachers at the time wanted to “sell” their surplus resources-that is to teach private lessons, it was absolutely not allowedof. In the movie “China Partner”, the protagonist Cheng Dongqing was expelled from the school.

But the emergence of New Oriental began to gradually break the authority of the public education system. In terms of business logic, spending more money and replacing more resources makes sense; more importantly, the emergence of private educational institutions has activated The vitality of the entire education market.


In essence, the consumer groups of educational institutions not only spend money to buy educational resources, but also buy better services. That is to say, as long as consumers are willing to spend additional expenses, unlike the school’s “one teacher, 40 minutes, dozens of students” model, educational institutions can provide more focused and more efficient services.

In this mode, compared with the group that only receives public education resources, there will inevitably be competitors with more advantages because they have better education resources.

If some of the former united and shouted “We need more equitable educational resources, educational institutions should not appear”, it must be “sensible but unreasonable.” In fact, according to senior education practitioners, there was indeed a lot of opposition.

The reason is that for groups that cannot obtain more educational resources, of course, it is hoped that everyone is at an average level, and the probability of a single individual being eliminated in the competition Not too high; The unreasonable thing is that it has returned to “equalism”, which violates the laws of business evolution.

—— If you do n’t pick the details, is it a bit like the experience of Meituan takeout now?

Of course, the most influential business model in the 1990s was the e-commerce platform.

On the eve of the millennium, Ma Yun founded Alibaba to start B2B business, Liu Qiangdong founded Jingdong and began to resell optomagnetic products in Zhongguancun. .

In 2000, Ma Yun held a meeting in the garden by the lake and the source network p>

The “downside” model was moved to the Internet.

The situation is very similar to this time. Under SARS in 2003, people were quite taboo about going out shopping. But this has precisely promoted the growth of e-commerce platforms. In the next ten years, as the e-commerce model continued to mature. While promoting the circulation of goods, the platform pays more attention to user experience and value-added services launched to enhance user experience.

However, in the commercial transformation of the e-commerce model, physical stores have begun to complain. The scene at the time was like a life service platform and a business after the money-burning era.

Actually, from down to the brick and mortar, to e-commerce, are essentially the role of “middleman” between the production side and the demand side. However, every time the latter appears, it subverts the former model.

After the appearance of the physical store, some of the uncles have opened brand stores, even chain stores. For consumers, if they can find the store with credit endorsements, I can find you if there is a problem; as for The lord who can’t walk into the shop dissipates in the torrent of the evolution of the times.

Although, whether it is a platform or a brick-and-mortar store, it is essentially a “downside”, but the emergence of the platform, especially the improvement of the logistics system, allows both ends of supply and demand to be directly within a screen Being able to “see each other” saves countless intermediate links. Under the online store model, after eliminating the need for storefronts and labor costs, the same products can be much cheaper than physical stores. This has also touched the interests of traditional physical stores.

In fact, under the impact of e-commerce, a large number of physical stores are closed. But what needs to be seen is that the remaining physical stores have found a good symbiotic relationship with the e-commerce platform.

Similar contradictions have now shifted to platforms and merchants represented by Meituan takeaway.