This article comes from the WeChat public account: New List (ID: newrankcn) , author: white, Word problems from: vision China

“Why are all the middle-aged uncles brushed on the video number?”

This may be the first impression of many people since the video number was tested internally. Since the media person Uncle Akiha even made a video for this, I suggest everyone to praise Miss Sister more in order to “not be hurt by the middle-aged uncle”.

Like many peers ridicule, I am used to seeing handsome guys and girls under the cool filter, and I am awkward to enter the world of video numbers. On the other hand, for many people who pursue “face value is justice”, they are somewhat “catch customers.”

Actually, quite a few of these “uncles” are senior media people, best-selling authors, industry experts … but some people still tease in the circle of friends:

Why do these middle-aged uncles who have already had a certain influence in their respective fields have suddenly entered the video number?

Recently, we have chatted with three of them. Some of them have made 10w + explosions and accumulated a certain number of fans. Although they will also laugh at themselves “greasy middle-aged uncle”, but their experience about video And observation, I can give you some new understanding.

Missing the shaky middle-aged uncle, the video number is the best opportunity?

“Actually, I also registered Douyin Kuaishou, but the number of users is not very large.”

Ten-point reading founder Lin Shao said: “In the media industry, there are many old Internet people and technology experts. They may have done public accounts and blogging before, but they have n’t done it. The reason may be that the uncle of the media itself is not suitable for the ecology of those platforms … but we have been playing video numbers recently. “

On March 4, Lin Shao was invited by WeChat to open a video number. At first, I just took a try mentality. The first 4 articles were taken to work, haircut, and three meals a day. Many interactions in the comment area are acquaintances. Except for the first article, there are nearly 700 likes, and the others are not more than 200. A little bit of the taste of the video version of the circle of friends.

The turning point occurred in Article 5. In this video, Lin Shao analyzed the bonus and development space of the video number, and received more than 2,000 likes. The background data shows more than 80,000 views.

The public account 10w + is still the goal of many self-media struggles. The video number just opened, the traffic is so large, and the data can be so good. Lin Shao feels very worth doing.

Traffic “favorite”, Carefully “diversion”, the video number is WeChat “darling”?

How much traffic does the video number have? Less than a month after going online, Uncle Akiha “who will do the most PPT” has already made 10w +.

The invitation was received on January 31, and the video number was opened on February 1. Uncle Akiha ’s first explosive video “Fun Video Number, Must Know These 9 Sentences” was released on February 11. But it really took three days to reach 10w +.

The reason for making this video is because soon after the video number was opened, Uncle Akiha realized that many people were eager to try the video number, but he was not familiar with this new product because he was not invited, so he pushed it on the public number. After reading the article “Ten Days of Opening the Video Number, My 7 Important Judgments”, after the article was published, he found that the reading volume was abnormal.

“I usually read 3,000 or 4,000 articles a day in my official account, but that article surpassed 4,000 readings in 1 hour. I know that everyone is very interested in this topic, so that day I made a short video and put it in the video number. “Uncle Akiha said.

At that time, his video number had fewer than 1,000 followers, and this video, which was almost a PPT + voice-over, was unresponsive. In the next two days, Uncle Akiha shared this video to the circle of friends and WeChat group. Three days later, the video suddenly “exploded” and increased 60,000 readings a day.

AutumnUncle Ye analyzed that this was because he obtained the official traffic recommendation from the video number. In the next month, according to his observation, this video has been recommended by the government at least 3 times on a large scale, and the current reading has exceeded 400,000.

Although there is no official data statistics tool yet, Uncle Akiba will manually pull the data to track the performance of the video number by the hour. As of April 15th, the video number of “Uncle Akiha” has 33,000 followers. A total of 81 videos were sent, most of which were in the form of PPT + dubbing, a small number of live-actions appeared, including 6 10w + and 32 1w +.

Uncle Akiha believes that as an application with 1.1 billion users, WeChat has no shortage of traffic and secondly means of reminding users to watch video numbers. WeChat public account changed its name to “public account”, implying the same level as “video number”; put the video number entrance below the circle of friends, adding a small red dot reminder-these designs, in the eyes of Uncle Akiha, reflect WeChat’s video No. of attention and diversion.

“For new media, bonuses = free traffic, not free traffic. If you do n’t convert it, you do n’t think there is no bonus,” said Uncle Akiha. If you want to get hundreds of thousands of traffic on Taobao, you must pay, so there is no bonus, no need to question. “

From the resources and recommendation mechanism, what are the examples of WeChat breaking the video number?

The video number is not the first time WeChat has tried short video social networking.

In 2014, Tencent launched WeChat long before Douyin Quick Hands, when Ma Huateng personally shot a short video to promote it. As one of the earliest and largest short video products in China, Weishi can be said to have started early and rushed to a late episode.

Xi Zhibin, CEO of Shishi Technology, was one of the earliest employees of Tencent’s microvision project. Microvision was also the last product he participated in before leaving Tencent.

“Weishi started from the relationship chain at the time. More than 90% of the content published and consumed by users was mostly cats, dogs, flowers and plants, and sunbathing at home. “Xu Zhibin recalled. Such video content, unless it is a very personal KOL, or relatives and friends in life, generally no one is so concerned about the life of another person.

In 2016, in order to research the product, Xu Zhibin brushed a lot of short videos, from a few hours at the beginning, to a vibrato all night long, he found that one of the biggest differences between vibrato and microvision is that vibrato Going is “follow the gameplay mode”.

“Seagrass Dance”, “Little Brother Miss Sister”, “Street Interview” … As long as a video format is hot, users will follow the trend to create a large number of similar videos. As long as the user keeps swiping down, they can get the videos they like to watch, so the threshold is much lower than the relationship chain mode. Perhaps this is one of the important reasons for the micro-view “lost”.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2020, users of Tencent ’s departing community circle heard earlier that WeChat wanted an internal test video number, and many were also invited for internal testing, including Xu Zhibin. He feels that the video number product is similar to WeChat, but also very different.

In Xu Zhibin’s view, WeChat gave almost all the best resources for video numbers. From an algorithm point of view, it also broke a lot of inherent insistence for video numbers.

“WeChat was particularly stubborn when doing small programs. Do n’t be centralized or recommended. It only spreads in the relationship chain.The number of bids increased, “Xu Zhibin said,” but the video number is not. We were stunned when we participated in the internal test, because WeChat started telling you that there will be algorithm recommendations and it will be in front of a wider crowd. “

However, the video number is not recommended by the timeline, and even the video release time is deliberately blurred. When swiping the video number, users often find that the video posted many days ago is swiped.

“We found that the proliferation of video content content has many stages,” Xu Zhibin said, “First, spread in the relationship chain; second, from the several obvious tags involved in the relationship chain, such as industry, interest, Regions, etc., will be further distributed to a larger pan-crowd; if your video interaction and completion of the broadcast are good, the platform will continue to recommend it for a long time. “

“From a data point of view, you will find that the videos with the most high playback volume will not be your latest videos. The latest video will become an entrance, leading more playback volume to a week ago or even a month ago. Among those videos, “Xu Zhibin said,” The newcomers will look at the beautiful videos in your history. This is the typical behavior of users. Now it seems that WeChat may turn this feature into recommendation logic. , So it often blurs time and focuses on recommending outstanding works. “

By writing, you will be able to live well. Why do you want to shoot short videos with real people?

While you already have a certain status in your field, why did you decide to take a short video in person?

Lin Shao believes that the video number is different from other products such as Douyin and Kuaishou. The form of the video number is more concise regardless of whether it is content production, user growth or some commercial monetization that may be done in the future. Douyin is famous for its cool filters, and quickly shows the world’s versatility, and WeChat looks more real to Lin Shao, so this year, he intends to seriously manage the video number. At present, the content of his video number mainly focuses on live-action appearances, sharing opinions and information.

Xu Zhibin believes that the data shows good videoBoth have “incremental”, including information increment and entertainment increment. “If you share a new set of data and interpretation in a short time, this is information that is difficult to obtain from the outside world, but it is very helpful to users. This is the information increment, and it is what I want to do.”

But Xu Zhibin also admitted that when communicating with his peers, they found that the video that young people like now can no longer be measured by traditional standards.

“The last two days I watched a video of Rui Xing Coffee from a half-Buddha fairy with my friend. The old video man who worked for more than 10 years said,” We will be scolded for such a video! ” “

In the end, the two came to a conclusion: the video expressions that belonged to the post-80s were vulnerable to hits after 95 and 00. However, Xu Zhibin finally chose a real person to appear, because as a test, this is indeed the lowest cost way.

Unlike Lin Shao and Xu Zhibin, the live-action appearance of Uncle Akiha video number at this stage is very limited, most of them are PPT + dubbing.

“Is my appearance attractive? Does my Mandarin add points?” Uncle Akiha said, “Since our middle-aged uncles are not worth fighting for, nor are they relying on good voices, then find me My partner is recording, I will write the copy, and some time ago in Wuhan, the city was closed, I could n’t shoot anything, this way I could mass-produce the video. ”

Although he recognizes that mirroring has no advantages, Uncle Akiha believes that if he makes a video, he will get a mirror. It is also planned to increase the proportion of live-action appearances in the future. “Because in the video age, when you and your readers can’t establish visual cognition, you will basically be eliminated.”

Can the uncles on the video number laugh to the end?

Returning to the original question, is the video number really occupied by the uncle? Uncle Akiha believes that this is actually a misunderstanding.

“WeChat initially invited a group of Internet KOLs to settle in, also to create media potential for the video number. These people are losers of Douyin and Kuaishou. They are the first to settle in, post opinions, gain a little attention, and let everyone I think the video number is the world of middle-aged uncles, “Akiha said.” This is mainly the illusion of middle-aged uncles who did not grab the first hand in the short video era. They come in first, and the people in the circle are middle-aged uncles Naturally seeing are middle-aged uncles and aunts, plus they have occupied more WeChat account number rights, making everyone think that the video number is more suitable for middle-aged uncles, which is impossible. “

“Various people will come in the future, and videos that everyone likes will slowly appearNo. Ecology Red, who is professional, who is stable, who has the talent to perform, who wins. 99% of middle-aged uncles, including me, will be ruthlessly eliminated. “

But he also believes that 100% of the WeChat video number will give birth to an explosive video that is unique to his own platform.

“Everyone who knows the media understands that the content is also affected by the form. The video number was selected from the beginning of the non-Weibo horizontal screen, not the vertical screen of the vibrato, the format is customized, so I think WeChat must I have thought about the impact of format on content output. At the same time, the video number highlights the position of the comment, strengthens interaction, and guides the link to jump out. This is Tencent’s strengthening social interaction. These features have the potential to incubate new gameplay, but all this Wait for a group of fresh people to discover. “Uncle Akiha said.

“WeChat has patience and wait, I also have patience and wait.”

This article comes from the WeChat public account: New List (ID: newrankcn) , author: white