This article comes from the WeChat public account: PingWest product play (ID: wepingwest) , author: founding, from the head of FIG: arstechnica.

Financial report for the second fiscal quarter of 2020 is probably Apple ’s most watched answer to date.

Under the epidemic, Apple first had to close the Apple Store and restricted some products, and then opened some stores and product purchase restrictions. Apple ’s second quarter earnings report was full of uncertainty. Earlier, Apple warned that this quarter’s revenue will not be able to complete the previously set revenue target, and investment banks have also lowered Apple’s expected revenue for the second quarter.

But today Apple delivered an unexpected result of $ 58.3 billion. In contrast, last year’s revenue was $ 58 billion, and Apple struggled to keep 1% of revenue growth year-on-year.

On the conference call after the financial report, Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) expressed the most “hard” to Apple The affirmation of supply chain management in response to the impact of the epidemic, and the gratification of Apple’s wholehearted “soft” reliance on the growth of the service business.

From MacStories

It is worth noting that the financial report for the second quarter of 2020 is from the beginning of January to the end of March, and the new iPhone SE does not cover it. During the period, the most concerned was the contribution of the Chinese market and the sales of the iPhone.


Continue to be optimistic about the Chinese market

The Chinese market usually accounts for about 15% of Apple ’s revenue. This quarter, the Chinese market still contributed 9.455 billion US dollars, accounting for 16% of total revenue. Compared to the same period last year, there was a decrease of 10.218 billion US dollars, which may be expected.

During this period, in February Apple briefly closed the Apple Store in the Chinese market. However, with the effective control of the epidemic, all stores were opened again.

Cook said in a conference call that we performed very well in China in January. Demand sharply turned back in February, and then the store was reopened. Compared with March, there were further improvements in April.

“Currently, the flow of Chinese stores has returned to the level of February, but it has not reached the level before the outbreak.”

In March, Cook said in an interview that he is optimistic about China ’s epidemic. And then the iPhone sales data in March confirmed Cook’s statement. According to a Reuters report, Apple shipped 2.5 million iPhones in China in March, which is an alarming rate of recovery compared to 500,000 in February.

In the same period, we can see the crazy sales of iPhone 11 on the e-commerce platform. This scene seems familiar to all. In early 2019, Apple used the same price reduction promotion to sell the iPhone XR, and finally obtained gratifying revenue results. <