As the largest city commercial bank in Hubei, Hankou Bank, the qualifications of the proposed president Tian Zhiping have not been approved by Hubei Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau.

On April 2nd, the “Response for Tian Zhiping’s Qualifications” issued by Hubei Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau showed that after review, Tian Zhiping did not meet the “China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission The qualifications prescribed in Article 79 of the Implementation Measures for Administrative Licensing Matters of Capital Commercial Banks (Order of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission No. 5 of 2018) will not be approved for the appointment of Tian Zhiping as President of Hankou Bank Co., Ltd.

< / div> Tian Zhiping was appointed as the President of Hankou Bank in December last year. On December 16, 2019, the 9th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors of Hankou Bank reviewed and approved the “Proposal on Appointing Comrade Tian Zhiping as President of Hankou Bank Co., Ltd.”. Zhu Yongtong, the former president of Hankou Bank, ceased to hold the position of president of Hankou Bank from November 28, 2018. This post is performed by Chairman Chen Xinmin. However, the relevant announcement that Hankou Bank held the ninth meeting of the sixth board of directors has been deleted on the official website of Hankou Bank.

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< / div> The “Qualifications for Posts as stipulated in Article 79” mentioned in the reply of Hubei Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau include: 1. Have full civil capacity; 2. Have a good record of compliance with laws and regulations; Moral character and reputation; 4. Have the relevant knowledge, experience and ability required to hold the proposed position; 5. Have a good economic and financial professional record; 6. Personal and family financial stability; 7. Have the necessary to hold the proposed position Independence; 8. To fulfill the obligation of loyalty and diligence to financial institutions.