This article comes from the WeChat public account: machine power (ID: almosthuman2017) , finishing: the power of the machine, the picture from: Visual China

This May 4th Youth Day, actor He Bing’s speech on Station B called “Houlang” swiped the screen in the circle of friends early in the morning, passionate, and sensational rendering, “Meet you like this”, “In my heart “There is fire, there is light in the eyes” and other golden sentences moved many visitors.

However, it is a tribute to young people, but it is the middle-aged generation of dopamine. Naked “fawning” did not impress the young people, but instead seemed a bit out of touch.

When we talk about “May 4th”, what we remember and remember is not the passing and separation of age, but also the mind of “independent spirit, free thought”.

On the other side of the ocean, Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) also poured a pot for young people Chicken Soup-Give a “virtual” graduation ceremony speech to the graduating Ohio State University students.

In the time of the global pandemic epidemic, Cook said, “The challenges you face are all new. For you, ancient dogma is never a necessary choice. You cannot be lost in luxury. Both eyes, you need to open your eyes to enter a world full of difficulties, shoulder the mission of writing a story. This story may not be chosen by you, but it is still all about you. “

“Rethink, take action again. Build a better future than you think. At the most terrible moment, I want to call again, let us hold hope.”

On Sunday, U.S. local time, Cook sent YouTube to Ohio, who is about to graduateState University students gave a “virtual graduation ceremony speech”.

He wore a shirt with the Ohio State University logo on it and a new Apple Watch instead of the usual gown at the graduation ceremony. Due to the continuous outbreak of new coronavirus in the United States, Cook had to choose to make a graduation speech in the form of recording and broadcasting.

In this 7 minutes and 55 seconds video, Cook first regretted not being able to attend the graduation ceremony on the spot, and then reviewed the scene when he joined Apple in 1998, thinking he was lucky enough to take the rest of his career Work for Jobs. He said that Jobs’s death made him feel lonely, which just proved that nothing is more permanent and powerful than the influence between each other.

Cook mentioned the Spanish flu and Franklin D. Roosevelt (Franklin D.Roosevelt) , T.S. Eliot (TSEliot) and Amelia Earhart (Amelia Earhart) The fate of others after infection and recovery.

Cook also mentioned the scene where he joined Apple in 1998. He also recalled that he couldn’t believe his luck when he joined Apple in 1998. “I hope that I can work for Steve Jobs for the rest of my life, but fate is like a thief. When we lost Steve, I felt lonely, which once again proved that there is nothing like us The impact is more eternal and stronger. “

He shared with the graduates what he recently read-books about Abraham Lincoln ’s (Abraham Lincoln) , And recommend them to “anyone who wants to view these eras correctly.”

As for graduates, Cook told them: “The challenges you face are all new. For you, ancient dogma is never a necessary choice. You ca n’t be lost by luxury, you need to open your eyes. Open your eyes and enter a world full of difficulties, shoulder the task of writing a storyduty of. This story may not be chosen by you, but it is still all about you. “

He said: “Rethink and take action again. Build a better future than you think. At the most terrible moment, I want to call again and let us hold hope.” < br>

The following is the full text of Cook ’s speech:

Before talking about your important future work, I would like to take a moment to discuss our past.

At the beginning of 1918, a young assistant secretary of the Navy, who was only 36 years old, was sent overseas. His mission was to ensure that the untrained troops of the United States were ready to fight in the First World War in Europe.

After the outbreak of war, as a poet and scholar who broke the tradition, at the age of 30, he was engaged in odd jobs for high school teachers and bankers, which shattered his hope to defend his thesis.

A young nurse who was only 20 years old began caring for injured soldiers in a military hospital in Toronto. She has been working longer and longer, because in addition to the trauma of war, a strange disease has begun to appear.

When the Spanish flu swept through the entire country, the communities where these people were and their bodies, the fate of these three people changed forever.

The young officer ’s name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) , he was lifted off the warship by a stretcher . When he returned to his hometown in New York, he was immediately nominated as a vice presidential candidate and began his national political career, which will change the course of history.

The poet lying on the bed is named T.S. Eliot (T.S. Eliot) , he began to create a masterpiece of poetry “The Waste Land”. It began with “April is the cruelest month”, and thus opened the prelude to a literary modernism movement that won him the Nobel Prize in Literature.

When nurse Amelia Earhart (Amelia Earhart) he was eventually infected with the flu, her recovery process was greater Most people are complicated and painful. In order to pass the long and boring isolation, she would watch the plane come and go, and she began to wonder if she would need to change careers.

Graduates, I am sorry that we did not attend the celebration in person today. Your class is a special class. In the 150-year history of Ohio State University, there are very few classes like you, and you will be remembered by history. I know that your parents, your loved ones, your friends and teachers are equally proud of what you have achieved.

When you are still in the frame, it is difficult to see the entire picture, but I hope you can remember these unusual situations as a medal of honor. Those who open their eyes and open their hearts to meet the challenges of history are also those who have the greatest impact on the lives of others.

In every era, life reminds us in a frustrating way that we are not the only author of the story. Whether we are willing or not, we must share the honor with a selfish collaborator who is the environment around us.

When our ambitious plans are disrupted, as they often do, when our hopes are shattered, as sometimes happens, we have only one choice left. Either curse the loss of something that will never be lost, or stand up and help reshape the world.

When I joined Apple in 1998, I could n’t believe I was so lucky. I will work for Steve Jobs in my next career. But fate came like a thief in the night. When we lost Jobs, I felt very lonely, which shows that nothing is more permanent and stronger than our influence on others.

If these of us can look back on this time, it is lucky to remember that it is inconvenient or even boring, and more people will experience real difficulties and fears. When we seek comfort from the people and friends we love, think about the impact on your lifePeople who sound more distant but equally meaningful.

Think of a father who has no legal documents. He is ignored or despised by the community where he lives. Today, in order to feed his family and your family, he is risking work in the field.

Think of a single mother who sorted the shelves at night and drove the city bus in the morning. Without her, many things would fall apart.

Think about the cleaning staff in the hospital. They scrub the ward with their hands and knees. Their job today is as lonely and sacred as the high priest who purifies the temple.

The most important thing is to think about yourself and luckily received a world-class education. When all of this has been said and done, how will you act and work and how will you be different.

Keep in mind that these moments reveal what really matters: the health and well-being of the people we love, the resilience of our community, and those who dedicate themselves to serve others The sacrifices made by people.

Ca n’t leave home leaving you with a lot of strange gaps to fill. I have been trying to use this time to read, and I keep reading books about Abraham Lincoln. I would recommend them to anyone who wants to view these times correctly. You will be surprised how smart, interesting and lively his thoughts still are, and how this conservative and humble man managed to arouse the hopes of others in a noisy era.

As we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Ohio State University, it is worth remembering that this school would not exist without Lincoln ’s signing of a land-grant university system as a law. It’s hard to imagine someone more restricted by the environment than him.

Lincoln discovered that his country was in dire straits, so he chose to join him. He dedicated everything he had to his people. He said: “The dogma of a quiet past does not apply to the present of wind and rain. The situation is grim and we must rise up. Our situation is new, so we must rethink and act again. We must liberate ourselves before we can save us Country. “

Graduates, the challenges you face are all new. For you, ancient dogma is never a necessary choice. You cannot lose your eyes by luxury, you need to open your eyes and enter a world full of difficulties, shouldering the mission of writing a story. This story may not be chosen by you, but it is still all about you.

You are the pride of your parents and grandparents, the pride of friends, relatives and teachers, and the pride of those who have shaped your community in a visible and invisible wayproud. You have not been promised today, many people have to work hard to win the future.

Rethink, act again, and create a better future than you think. At a terrible moment, we are once again calling for hope.

Congratulations to all of you! thank you very much!

This article comes from the WeChat public account: machine power (ID: almosthuman2017) , finishing: the power of the machine