CCTV news client map

CCTV news client map CCTV news client May 11 news, yesterday at about 2:30 in the afternoon, as a fully loaded cargo plane took off from Wuhan Tianhe International Airport, the air freight from Wuhan to Osaka, Japan was scheduled The line was successfully inaugurated. This marks the official opening of the first international freight scheduled flight route after the outbreak of a new coronary pneumonia in Hubei.

Affected by the epidemic, the international passenger line of Wuhan Tianhe Airport was basically suspended, and the international cargo air passage was greatly affected. After the closure of the Leaving Han Channel on April 8, in order to solve the problem of export difficulties and high logistics costs for Hubei local enterprises, Wuhan Tianhe Airport organized air transportation capacity and opened up international logistics channels in a “customer to cargo” mode. Up to now, international freight charter flights from Wuhan to Los Angeles, Melbourne, Paris and Frankfurt have been opened to assist Hubei to resume production.

Shi Feng, Commercial Manager of Wuhan Dazhong Zhongcai Technology Co., Ltd .: From May 10th, we will dispatch to Osaka (Japan) once a day. The materials are mainly used, and when we return, we will bring some cross-border (e-commerce) products from Japan back to Wuhan. Once the scheduled flight (route) flies, our transportation cost will be reduced by 20%.

(Originally titled “Hubei’s First International Cargo Scheduled Shipping Line After the Epidemic”)