Come menstruation eat sweet potatoes

During menstruation, women need to pay attention to their bodies, women are prone to mood anxiety, tension, and depression , Easy to be irritated, fatigue, and other phenomena, if you want to alleviate these discomforts, you can use the method of diet, then, can menstruation eat sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes can be eaten during menstruation. The sugar contained in sweet potatoes can help women to eliminate their bad mood. At this time, women ’s serotonin will continue to rise, brain Endogenous tryptophan will also increase slowly, at this time women’s mood will gradually ease. Moreover, there are many vitamins in sweet potatoes, especially vitamin b6, which also helps the production of tryptophan in the brain.

calories in sweet potatoes, protein, sugar, niacin, fat, vitamins, Phosphorus, calcium, iron, carotene, linoleic acid and other nutrients are very rich. Among them, the content of lysine is the most, while that in flour and rice is There is no lysine, and studies have found that eating more sweet potatoes will not cause obesity.

The calories in sweet potatoes are more than half lower than rice and flour. It is a diet food that women can eat, And eating more will not cause people to be obese. In addition, a substance in sweet potato is very similar to estrogen. This substance can protect women’s skin and slow down the aging time of people. It can be said that sweet potato is also a beauty and beauty food.