What is the danger of excessive intake of vitamin a < / p>

Everyone knows that vitamin a supplements can bring many benefits to the human body, However, you should also pay attention to the process of replenishment, too much can not be added or it will have the opposite effect. Many people only want to add a large amount of supplements, but have not thought about the problem of excessive supplementation. So, what harm is caused by excessive intake of vitamin A?

Toxic intake of vitamin A generally causes poisoning. Adults generally have vomiting, dizziness, weakness, and dry skin appear. If the baby takes too much vitamins, they will be very sleepy, have a bad mental state throughout the day, and may even experience stunting. Therefore, when supplementing vitamins, you must pay attention to the appropriate amount.

Vitamin a is a medicine that supplements trace elements in the human body, which is very helpful for human health. Pregnant women need to supplement this substance during early fetal development, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of congenital malformations of the fetus. However, if excessive intake, it will affect the fetal bone development. So we must pay attention to the right amount.

More common in life, many mothers will give cod liver oil to the baby in large amounts to promote the absorption of calcium. But the main ingredient in cod liver oil is the content of vitamin a.There is a phenomenon of poisoning. Excessive excitement, severe vomiting, and anorexia are common manifestations. If this happens, you need to stop taking it immediately.