Does staying up late causes high blood sugar

For the current people, staying up late has become a very common phenomenon, due to various The reason is that people always wait until they are particularly sleepy, but staying up late can cause great harm to people’s bodies and may make some diseases worse. So, does staying up late cause high blood sugar?

Staying up late will cause high blood sugar, which is very harmful for diabetics. Staying up late affects people ’s normal life and rest, which in turn affects The normal metabolic activity in the human body leads to the excessive secretion of certain hormones, which leads to an increase in blood sugar. Not only that, staying up late will also damage the body’s immune system and cause the body’s immunity to decline.

There are many reasons for staying up late to raise blood sugar in the human body. When people stay up late, it will affect the liver ’s storage and conversion function of the human body, resulting in the body A large amount of carbohydrates accumulate in the blood, which causes an increase in blood glucose concentration.

Staying up late will also make people overworked, affecting people ’s blood circulation, which in turn affects the transportation of blood sugar to various organs, and the consumption of blood sugar will be reduced. And most people always like to eat when they stay up late, and there are many sweets, these factors will directly or indirectly cause blood sugar to rise.

In general, staying up late will cause high blood sugar. Diabetics should pay special attention not to stay up late, to ensure adequate rest, to control blood sugar in a reasonable range, and high blood sugar is likely to cause other Illness, so stay up late as little as possible.