What is the best qi and blood

Women want to have a good look, need to pay attention to their own situation, especially pay more attention to whether it is anemia. If women have anemia, they need to eat more qi and blood. But what exactly to eat can play the best role in supplementing qi and blood, many people are not clear. So, what is the best qi and blood?

Black rice porridge has a good effect on qi and blood, and its method is relatively simple. Wash the black rice clean and put it in the casserole, add the appropriate water to cook black rice porridge. Women’s consumption of black rice porridge has the effect of invigorating qi and blood. Black rice porridge is especially suitable for spring and summer season. If women feel weak after delivery, they can drink more black rice porridge.

Red jujube porridge also has a good effect of nourishing qi and blood. Its main method is: rice and red jujube are boiled in clean water, and simmer slowly for a hour or two. Jujube is a good product for nourishing blood. With rice, this porridge is especially suitable for women with insufficient blood and qi due to weak spleen and stomach. It is recommended that women who want to invigorate qi and blood can eat a little red date porridge in the morning and evening.

Leek and pig liver soup is also especially suitable for women who invigorate qi and blood, its main choice is leek and pig liver, first put the cleaned pig liver into the oil pan and fry, Then add the chopped leek to make leek and pork liver soup. Leek can supplement yang, and liver can supplement qi and blood. It is recommended that women who want to adjust their qi and blood should eat this dish more.