Is there any way to reduce swelling

We will have a lot of small accidents in our daily life. Accidental bumps or sprains can cause redness and pain. Of course, there are many small ways to solve the swelling problem. Swelling and pain relief can avoid more damage to the body. So is there any way to reduce swelling?

1. If the swelling caused by bruises, apply it immediately with ice water, which can generally relieve it, because ice water can contract blood vessels and prevent congestion. many. Of course you can’t go down to the ground, try to raise your lower limbs. Hot compresses can be applied after 24 hours, which can speed up the circulation of blood and also help to remove congestion. You can also use some suitable ointment.

2. You cannot use cooked eggs to reduce swelling 24 hours before the injury. After waiting for 24 hours for the swollen area to stabilize, you can consider slowly rubbing the swollen area with boiled eggs.

No matter what the swelling problem caused by the situation, the injured area should be less active, and it should not take heavy things. Because swelling does not go away in a few days, some serious cases take as long as half a month. When the limbs or face are swollen, you should choose the appropriate swelling method according to the actual situation. Of course, if you want to reduce swelling, you can also eat some swelling food such as cucumber, winter melon or barley, which is helpful for swelling.