Can crab allergies eat shrimp

Some people are allergic, and certain foods are prone to allergies after consumption. For example, some people may experience itchy skin, redness, rash, and diarrhea after eating crabs. Shrimp are also aquatic products, so if you eat crab allergy, can you eat shrimp?

If you are allergic to eating crabs every day, you must also pay attention when eating shrimp, because shrimps and crabs are all highly sensitive foods. Allergy to crabs is very likely to be an allergic constitution, and eating shrimp may also induce allergies. Therefore, you must try a small amount of shrimp before eating shrimp. If there are no obvious adverse reactions, it is better to eat normally.

In addition, some people who eat crabs have similar allergic symptoms, probably eating dead crabs. If this is not an allergy, mainly after the death of the river crab, the body will quickly deteriorate And breeding a lot of bacteria, so eating dead crabs is prone to bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other adverse reactions.

If it is because of the health problems caused by eating crabs for this reason, it will not affect the normal eating of shrimps in the future. It is recommended to go to the hospital to check whether there are some health problems such as diarrhea caused by eating dead crabs, and timely treatment according to the results, so as to know whether you can eat crabs and shrimps normally in the future. After all, the nutrition contained in shrimp is very rich, reasonable consumption is beneficial to human health.