How to discharge moisture too heavy

The weather is hot, the humidity is too heavy, and the body is weak. I believe many friends have discovered that especially the hot weather, the whole day is muddy, without any spirit. Especially like brushing your teeth in the morning not only has the effect of retching, but also the whitening of the tongue coating. So, why is the moisture too heavy? Let’s understand.

1, exercise perspiration: The best way to get rid of your own moisture is exercise perspiration. Moisture is excreted from sweat glands, and exercise also has a fitness effect. However, it should be noted here that although exercise is good, it also needs to be appropriate, otherwise it will put a burden on the body and cause damage to the knee joint.

2. Diet adjustment: The weight of the body moisture indicates that the spleen and stomach have problems. At this time, you may wish to eat some spleen-invigorating food to adjust the moisture in the body. There are many ingredients on the market that nourish the spleen and stomach, but different foods can also help each other, so be sure to understand when choosing mixed foods.

3. Drink plenty of water: urination can also expel excess moisture in the body, but boiled water is not good to drink, you can also choose some gardenia, dandelion and other tea. They can not only improve the taste, but also have the effect of removing dampness, clearing fire and strengthening the spleen. The daily water consumption is best controlled at about 1000ml, and it is best not to drink water after 6pm, otherwise it will cause edema.