What is good for blood

Women are most susceptible to ischemia. After each menstruation, some women will have dizziness and physical weakness. Women like this need to eat some blood-enriching food. During pregnancy, anemia is also prone to occur and active blood supplementation is also required. What should I eat for blood? There are foods and nutrients for blood supplements, how to supplement?

Blood Enrichment You can eat blood-enriching nutrients directly, or you can eat some nutrients rich in hematopoiesis, such as foods containing protein, trace elements, folic acid and vitamin B12, you can Play the role of blood. You can also eat some foods that can invigorate qi, kidney and spleen, and also achieve the effect of blood.

Blood-selected vegetables include spinach, black fungus, tomatoes, canola and carrots. Meat and egg milk are selected from beef, pork, animal liver, milk and eggs. The selected fruits are dates, mulberries, raisins, cherries, etc. Then eat some soy products.

During blood replenishment, in addition to dietary conditioning, pay attention to usual emotions, a better mood, and a more cheerful personality, which can also promote hematopoietic function. It is also required to pay more attention to physical exercise to enhance hematopoietic function and maintain the body. The blood can not be overdone, especially if you eat some nutrients, if you overdose, it will affect your body.