Why some people have wisdom teeth and some people do n’t grow

Long wisdom teeth believe that everyone is no stranger, this is basically a problem that everyone will have, but some people will not have long wisdom teeth from small to large. So everyone is very curious. Why is this common wisdom tooth, but others are not long, today I will introduce why some people have long wisdom teeth and some people are not long?

Why some people have wisdom teeth and some people are not long

For long wisdom teeth, everyone ’s physical differences are different, resulting in different ages of long wisdom teeth, some will grow after adulthood, and write people The problem of long wisdom teeth will not appear until middle age, and it is not that 4 long wisdom teeth grow together. Some will only find one or two long wisdom teeth, and some long wisdom teeth will not grow in the middle of the way. This is generally called impaction. Wisdom teeth, it is normal for some people not to grow wisdom teeth.

What about long wisdom teeth

1. Need to pay attention to oral hygiene: Patients with long wisdom teeth must pay attention to diet, should eat less food that is easy to block teeth, especially the food that needs to be chewed Growing food can easily cause bacteria in the teeth, and it is also susceptible to inflammation. When you grow wisdom teeth, you should eat more easily digestible foods, as well as some nutritious foods, and often rinse your mouth with salt water.

2. Improving immunity: Long wisdom teeth need to supplement sleep, proper exercise, and a way to drink more waterImprove immunity. This is because the mouth is prone to swelling and inflammation when growing wisdom teeth, so improving immunity can help fight inflammation.