Can fitness eat curry

As people pay more attention to health, more and more young people join the ranks of fitness. Fitness is not only about exercise, but daily diet is also more important. If you want to have more beautiful muscles in the process of fitness, daily attention to supplementary nutrition is very important. So can fitness eat curry?

Fitness is not allowed to eat curry, because the calories and salt in curry are very high, which will affect the results of fitness. In the process of fitness, you can formulate a reasonable diet plan according to your own eating habits, plan calorie intake, eliminate junk food in your life, and adhere to a comprehensive nutrition diet.

In addition, the average fitness person can drink oatmeal in the morning, and then mix two cooked eggs. At noon, you can eat some protein powder appropriately, and eat more at night Fresh vegetables or fruits, and proper planning of calorie intake, can make your fitness effect better and more obvious.

Furthermore, the process of fitness will lead to faster consumption of water, sugar and fat in the body, so after fitness, it is necessary to supplement a variety of nutrition in a timely manner. You can eat fruits, drink milk, soy products. They are suitable for eating after being healthy. Only when you plan your intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins properly can you have more results.