How to see hamster pregnancy

Hamster is a very cute little animal, there are many people who like small animals will not raise hamsters as pets, there are some people who raise a lot of hamsters, In this way, there will be a lot of baby hamsters, which can meet the needs of more people, so how to see that the hamster is pregnant?

When the hamster ’s belly is found to be larger and harder to feel, and there are two rows of pink teats, his body size becomes particularly large. He often likes to fight with male hamsters. He has a particularly grumpy temper and will store a lot of food before production. It may be caused by pregnancy, especially after the male hamster and the female hamster are put together, it is easier to make the female hamster pregnant.

After breeding hamsters, if you find that hamsters have signs of pregnancy, try not to let female hamsters and male hamsters stay together, and the entire pregnancy time of hamsters is very short. The belly is particularly large, and even the body becomes pear-shaped. Within a week, a small hamster will be born. You must observe a lot when you are about to have a baby hamster.

In addition, after the hamster is pregnant, there will often be cold fear, or even keep making nests by himself. Moreover, the belly of a pregnant hamster is quite different from that of a hamster who eats more. The belly of a hamster after pregnancy is particularly hard, but the belly of a hamster after eating more is soft.