Can acne eat eggs

For patients suffering from acne skin diseases, they must pay special attention to their daily diet and avoid the intake of various spicy and irritating foods or fried foods , Because such foods will promote sebum secretion of sebaceous glands, causing clogged pores, causing greater skin problems. Can acne eat eggs? Let’s take a look together!

Pimples can eat eggs and will not affect the recovery of the disease. For patients with skin diseases, they usually wash their faces with warm water. Long-term use of cold water will make it difficult to remove the oil on the skin surface. Hot water can promote the secretion of sebum, and it is not appropriate to use strong irritating soap during the cleaning process, otherwise it may affect the skin’s keratin.

In addition, patients usually eat more fresh tomatoes and celery and other crude fiber vegetables, and develop a good diet, which is very helpful for improving the function of the digestive system, and Ensure adequate drinking water every day to keep the stool in a smooth state. In the usual diet, try to avoid desserts and deep-fried foods, so as not to cause heat and increase skin infections.

Furthermore, you should always keep your spirits happy, because acne patients will have a great psychological burden, and it will cause neuroendocrine disorders in the long run, making acne worse.