This article comes from the WeChat public account: nut shell (ID: Guokr42) , author: heated, from the title figure: vision China

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The emergency doctor thought hard with the medical record, why the female patient had such a severe allergic reaction in front of her.

This 31-year-old woman was sent to the emergency room because of sudden vomiting, difficulty breathing, and severe urticaria throughout the body. This is a typical allergic reaction. In order to prevent her from having a similar situation again, the doctor must know what the allergen is this time. But she did not eat any medicine or unusual food, nor was she bitten by any insects.

Just when the doctors were at a loss, her boyfriend blushed and said: “Her symptoms are after our two … she gave me oral sex … Is it because of this Right? “

It ’s really because of this!

oral sex (oral sex) is a type of sexual behavior, which refers to the contact between the oral cavity and the partner ’s reproductive organs. The medical experience of this lady was published in the 2019 “BMJ Case Report” (BMJ Case Reports) .

Her boyfriend explained his situation to the doctor. Due to otitis media, he was being treated with ibuprofen and amoxicillin clavulanic acid. He took these two drugs exactly 4 hours before the relationship.

In previous sex, the woman had never had similar symptoms, and her only relevant medical history was allergy to penicillin. Because the patient is allergic to penicillin, combined with the time of onset, the doctors suspect that the cause of her allergic reaction is amoxicillin taken by her partner. The drug was transferred into her body.

Doctors believe that sensitizing drugs are delivered to patients through semen. 丨 Pixabay

There are few studies on the concentration of drugs in semen after taking the drug, but amoxicillin, as a weakly acidic, fat-soluble drug, can theoretically be enriched in semen. Allergy is a specific reaction No matter what concentration of allergen is present in semen, it may trigger Therefore, doctors believe that sensitizing drugs are delivered to patients through semen.

Fortunately, after prompt treatment, the lady’s breathing problems gradually improved and she was discharged after a week’s recovery.

In addition to allergies, there are actually other risks of oral sex . The Department of Forensic Medicine of Sichuan West China Medical University once reported an unfortunate case in the Journal of Forensic Medicine. The husband had a relationship with his pregnant wife after drinking, and during the oral sex, the husband accidentally urinate, causing the wife to suffocate, and eventually the wife and the fetus both died. Although oral sex has a lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases than vaginal or anal sex, pathogens or diseases such as chlamydia, human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, and hepatitis can be transmitted through oral sex, especially if the other person ’s genitals When you have a wound in your mouth.

Sexual behavior may cause allergies

Allergy caused by sexual behavior should be taken seriously.

(NEJM) of the New England Journal of Medicine once reported a case where a woman ’s partner treated Hodgkin ’s lymphoma After taking vinblastine, the two women developed allergic dermatitis after unprotected sex.

Coincidentally, (American Journal of Psychiatry) also published a report that her husband is taking schizophrenia Thioridazine, his wifeAfter unprotected sex, genital itching and erythema appeared.

Sexually induced drug allergies should be taken seriously. 丨 Pixabay

Not only drugs, but also a relatively rare phenomenon during sexual intercourse is female seminal plasma allergy (seminal plasma allergy) . Seminal plasma is a complex fluid composed of the secretions of various organs and secretory glands of the male internal reproductive system and is an important part of semen. Sperm allergies generally occur during or after sexual intercourse. Women often have local or even vaginal reactions such as vulva, vaginal itching or edema, or urticaria, angioedema, etc.

The lady in the opening case never had an allergic reaction during or after contact with semen, so doctors ruled out the possibility of her allergy to seminal plasma.

There is another disease as rare as seminal plasma allergy, but it only occurs in men and is called post-orgasm syndrome (Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome, POIS) . The disease usually occurs within half an hour after male ejaculation. Common symptoms include anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, headache with flu-like symptoms, and allergy-like symptoms.

It is important to take good protection measures

Many people’s impression of allergies still rests on local and relatively mild symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, itchy rash and urticaria. In fact, allergies are a serious and potentially life-threateningLocal or systemic reactions. If the above-mentioned mild symptoms are not dealt with in a timely manner or if a large amount of allergens are ingested, then the symptoms may quickly worsen, and even systemic reactions and anaphylactic shock may occur.

Sexual love is undoubtedly an act of expressing intimacy, trust and love, but while being excited and impulsive, it should still be protected.

Almost all medicines have the ability to induce allergic reactions, so if you are taking medicines or if your partner is known to be allergic to the medicines you are taking, please protect yourself when you are in a relationship .

Easy sensitive people should be tested for allergens as soon as possible. Before sex, it should be clear whether the partner has just eaten your allergic foods and medicines to achieve targeted protection. In cases where it is not clear, male partners should be required to wear condoms during sex.

For pregnant women, due to the safety of the fetus and the pregnant woman, extra attention should be paid to sexual intercourse.

Good nights are short, and late Tang writer Niu Qiao once said, “You have to work hard for a lifetime, and you will be happy today.” I hope that everyone can protect themselves and their beloved ta when they are doing their best today. Mo Zuo does a lifelong fight and puts each other in the emergency room .


1. Gómez Caballero, Almenara, Tévar Terol, Horga de la Parte. Anaphylaxis probably induced by transfer of amoxicillin via oral sex. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Mar 8; 12 (3 ). pii: e227398. doi: 10.1136 / bcr-2018-227398.

2. Wadhe WJ, Cunningham tJ, Donovan Ma. possible sensitivity to vinblastine in prostatic or seminal fluid. N Engl J Med 1975; 29: 52.