Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has deployed the “One Helmet and One Belt” safety guarding operation nationwide, advocating the correct wearing of helmets for motorcycle and electric bicycle riders. The market demand for helmets has increased significantly, and market prices have skyrocketed. The General Administration of Market Supervision continued to pay attention to the price changes of the helmet market and strengthened the price supervision of the helmet market.

The price supervision and competition bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision has issued a notice requesting local market supervision departments to effectively strengthen the supervision of helmet market price behavior, and actively conduct market inspections and public opinion monitoring Remind and warn producers, distributors and other operators to abide by the law, operate with integrity, and strengthen price self-discipline. At the same time, local market supervision departments are required to work with local public security organs to strictly scrutinize and punish illegal behaviors such as spreading price increase information, hoarding prices, coaxing prices, and colluding price increases. Anyone suspected of committing a crime will be referred to the public security organ for investigation.

The market supervision department will take consumer concerns as a guide, do a good job in helmet market price supervision, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and legal operators, and maintain market price order.

(originally titled “General Administration of Market Supervision: Actively Responding to Increased Helmet Prices and Maintaining Market Price Order”)