Choose a photo or a file, click share, and select [Air Drop], which is one of the usages between Apple ’s multiple devices. But if you check on Apple’s official website, you can see at least 12 usages among multiple devices, they have a unified name, called-continuous interoperability. In this video, we will put together the twelve usages in continuous communication, as well as print and play, and hope to help you. Apple Watch unlocking and Apple Pay are not explained.

001. Air delivery

The one you are most familiar with should be air delivery.

Aerial delivery of photos and videos is particularly common in life. You can also click on various types of files or folders in Apple’s file application or the third-party cloud storage tool you installed, and click Share to quickly share content to other devices. For example, screen recording, quick sharing; screenshots, drawing, quick sharing; generating color cards, quick sharing …

In some common applications, especially Apple ’s own applications, you can also select a certain piece of text and share it with other devices, send it to a variety of applications, and generally generate a text file in txt format by default.

Airdrop also supports web links and applications. For example, in a webpage opened by Safari or Chrome, click the share button, and send it to other devices in the air, usually directly through the Safari that comes with it, or directly open the application pointed to by the link.