. So, what kind of business is the e-commerce operation behind the scenes? In the new e-commerce traffic ecology, where is the agency operation?

Performance during the epidemic is weak

For consumers, e-commerce operation is “invisible”, but in fact, in each link of browsing product introduction, consulting customer service details, and receiving outbound products, every consumer must have worked with The services of the representative operators have been intersected.

Simply put, e-commerce on behalf of the operation is to help the brand side “open shop” on the e-commerce platform.

Based on a deeper understanding of the e-commerce platform, the acting carrier adopts a more professional operation strategy to help the brand achieve better online sales. Among them, overseas brands are most unfamiliar with China’s e-commerce environment and have a high demand for agency operations. According to the Haitong Securities Research Report, the demand for overseas brand agency operations is as high as 90%.

The service provided by the behalf of the operator to the brand is very comprehensive. It is not only limited to the care of online shops, but also covers marketing, store operations, warehousing logistics, online distribution and other aspects.

This industry was born with e-commerce. It can be traced back to 1995, when GSI Commerce, the originator of the agency company, was born. This company has also developed into a leading US e-commerce agency.

Bao Zun, the most experienced company in the domestic agency market, was established in 2007. A year later, the Taobao mall went online, and the e-commerce ecosystem continued to improve, providing the development ground for e-commerce operations.

In 2015, Baozun was successfully listed on the NASDAQ and became the first domestic agency to enter the capital market. In 2019, on behalf of the operator OneNet and OneCreation landed on the A-share Growth Enterprise Market, the on behalf of the operator model was accepted by the domestic capital market. In the same year, Ruhan landed on NASDAQ with one of its main business models.

Bao Zun Nasdaq listing site

These three successfully listed companies can be regarded as the most representative agent operators in China. Their revenue status can also reflect the growth trend of the entire agent operation industry.

The performance of the representative operators is closely related to the overall e-commerce industry.

Due to the existence of “Double Eleven”, the acting operators have the most outstanding performance in the fourth quarter of each year, and the remaining three quarters are more average, showing a stable