t-normal”>What is Split Sheet?

Split Sheet is a legal document signed by music creators, used to determine the proportion of their respective copyrights in musical works.

Why is Split Sheet important?

Because Split Sheet is used to determine the copyright ratio of musical works, it also determines the distribution ratio of the revenue of musical works. When a very popular musical work is born, music creators should make reasonable distribution of benefits based on Split Sheet.

What if there is no Split Sheet?

If there is no Split Sheet, the music creator will be ignored and the due signature rights will not be obtained. What’s more, the income distribution of the music creator will be seriously affected. To “take over” the rights and interests of other music creators will even affect the honor of the award. In the United States, songs that do not have a Split Sheet will directly affect whether they are eligible to participate in the Grammy Awards.

Is the Split Sheet effective?

Split Sheet must use the real real name, not the stage name. Split Sheet is a legal and valid legal contract, which has legal effect after being signed.

How to determine the split sheet ratio?

According to industry norms and business status. Can be allocated according to division of labor, song and song, and other modes. In short, the copyright of a song can only be 100%, no matter what mode of distribution, the sum will not exceed or not less than 100%.


The split sheet distribution ratio belongs to the record company’s trade secrets. For the sake of example, let’s assume that some well-known songs are simulated to be split sheet distribution. Regardless of the bargaining situation of the business, all of them are evenly distributed. In reality, non-averaged distribution is more common).