Neither Tencent nor NetEase can focus on the past-style music copyrights, nor the current advertising revenue, but the entire IP ecosystem in the future.

Don’t try to fill the gap in life, because music comes from the depth of the gap-Tagore.

Busy, fast-paced work, study, and life. For many people, they need some hobbies to fill their spiritual gaps. Some people like fitness, some people like games and social games, and some people love pet objects. Of course there are People like to listen to music.

Listening to music can be said to be a more common leisure method today. According to the “2019-2020 China Mobile Music Client Market Research Report” released by iResearch, the number of mobile music client users in China is steadily increasing in 2019. The overall user scale increased by 6.6% year-on-year to 580 million people, and is expected to increase to 618 million people in 2020.

This huge base user scale means that there is a considerable commercial value buried in the music market, which is also the reason for the competition between the music platforms in the previous two years and the copyright battle. The second advertising event has once again brought the profit and monetization of the music platform into the user’s field of vision.

However, I found some interesting things. These companies that make good music platforms, whether they are Tencent music platforms or NetEase cloud music, are behind the pan-entertainment companies such as Tencent and NetEase. Why is Tencent anxious to start advertising on the music platform now? And why is it that Tencent and NetEase, like pan-entertainment companies, are better as music platforms?

According to the data from Tianyan, Kugou Music was acquired by Tencent Music Entertainment Group on April 11, 2017, and Kuwo Music was also