In Zhu Zhu’s hometown, there is a legend that as long as it is a locust tree over a hundred years old, there will be ghosts living on it, so that tree can continue to grow!

That year Zhu Zhu was only in the sixth grade of elementary school. He was only skeptical of those legends, but he couldn’t help it whenever he walked under an older locust tree. Stopped and looked at the locust tree in a daze!

But this situation only lasted for a while, because Zhu Zhu’s life has changed dramatically!

It was a dusk in the middle of winter. The teacher was talking boring mathematics on the podium, and the students in the entire classroom were quietly sleeping!

Zhu Zhu was sitting by the window. From that position, he could see the cemetery behind the teaching building, and on the cemetery there was a nearly 100-year-old locust tree.

If it was an accident, then it can really be regarded as an accident!

But if it is a necessity, then Zhu Zhu can be sure that her life was rewritten from that day!

It is said that primary school students have hyperactivity disorder, and Zhu Zhu’s age is no exception. He always likes to find some movements in class, including like holding a pen in his hand and turning around. go with!

However, this obviously immature technique will inevitably fail. The consequence is that the pen in the hand will be thrown under the table by myself!

But because of this, when Zhu Zhu bent down to pick up the pen, he confronted the white figure under the tree, so Zhu Zhu was stunned! Ghost Story Net

It’s not weird to say that there is someone in the cemetery, but the strange thing is that the person’s dress is cold here In the winter, it was bitterly cold, but that person was wearing a thin white sleeveless long dress that could not resist the slightest chill, and in such a strong wind, her clothes did not move. This phenomenon, Scared Zhu Zhu completely!

When I came back to my senses, there was no one under the tree. Just when Zhu Zhu thought he was dazzled, he heard a classmate exclaimed, “Ghost, Ghost…” Then he fell into a coma on the spot.

Later, that classmate never came to school again. It was only that the parents had come to complete the transfer procedures, and then there was no more news. And the woman who floated under the tree in the winter never appeared again.