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These rules can be regarded as the biggest model innovation made by Weilai after the ES8 release and the battery replacement program. For Weilai, such model innovation is actually a very simple goal: to sell more cars.

There are several logics for selling more cars with the battery rental scheme:

The first is to directly reduce the first cost of car owners when buying a car, which is equivalent to reducing the price of their own models in disguise.

In an interview with Qin Lihong, he mentioned that this kind of car purchase model will make Weilai more competitive when facing fuel vehicles at the same price, because the price will be less than 300,000 yuan, and even if the battery is rented, The cost of the vehicle will also be lower than that of fuel vehicles of the same level.

From my own point of view, I actually don’t agree with the logic of competing with fuel vehicles, because most of the people in NIO are still restricted by license plates. Just directly reducing the first expense of car owners buying a car will indeed make more people consider NIO.

Secondly, car owners should not be overly anxious about the preservation rate of electric vehicles, which can also promote sales after alleviating concerns.

I agree with this part of the logic. At present, the value preservation rate of electric vehicles in the second-hand market is not high. The reason is that the electric vehicle industry is developing faster and faster, and more and more new vehicles are in use. A battery with a higher energy density can have a longer battery life, and second-hand electric vehicles will also face battery loss caused by too many charge and discharge times, which will affect the preservation rate.

The birth of the battery rental program is equivalent to taking out the fastest depreciation of pure electric vehicles, which guarantees the preservation rate of Weilai models in the second-hand market.

But in fact, this part of the logic also has its inherent concerns.

On the one hand, the value of used cars