, There is no way, I can only pause tracking Lin Gang, a bitch. I lay down at my desk, sorting out documents like a mountain, and muttering in my heart who is going to hurt Lin Gang this time, “Ling…” The phone rang suddenly, could it be…this time the person framed would be…me?

Looking at the large pile of materials in front of me that is not usually done, it is enough to form a reason for reporting. Could it be that my actions have been noticed by him ? No wonder his actions have suddenly become mysterious recently! “Bell…Bell…” The phone rang tirelessly, hesitating, “Hey, Brother Guo, please answer the phone for me first, thank you!” “Hey! I said Zhang Qiang, you didn’t look at me either. Are you busy!” “Hey, you are busy drinking drinks, can’t you help me? I am really too busy to answer the phone!” “Hello! Hello?” “Why, who made the call? Phone call?” “It’s really disappointing! I hung up as soon as I answered it! I thought it was a little girl!” Guo Dongliang hung up the phone, and my heart was covered with invisible frost.

Who is so boring, calling and harassing others in idle time is definitely not a good thing! Don’t think too much, the most important thing is to finish the work on your hands quickly. This is directly related to whether you can go home on time after work and go to the comfortable sofa to get rid of the gloom of the day. When the last pile of data was sorted out, the hour hand had ruthlessly pointed to a number eight that was enough to make me hysterical. If you want to say that the number eight is a very good number, then in my opinion, at eight o’clock in the evening alone Working overtime in the office is also a bad thing.