What is the matter with false uterus reduction and abdominal pain

Women’s body changes after pregnancy require attention, especially in the later stages of pregnancy False uterine contractions will occur during normal uterine contractions. Generally, false uterine contractions will make your stomach tighten, but there is generally no pain. However, some women still feel pain. So what’s wrong with false uterine contractions?

Generally, when a woman has false contractions during pregnancy and her stomach hurts, she doesn’t need to be too nervous, probably because of the time she has been standing. If the pain is too long, or it is caused by walking for a long time, it is best to sit down and rest immediately at this time, so that you can get enough rest. If the pain is not relieved for a long time, you need to see a doctor.

False contractions generally do not cause stomach pain. If the stomach is accompanied by pain, you can observe the time of your contractions and Interval time, when the time of contraction and price time are more regular, it may be a true contraction. True contractions are generally more regular, and will be accompanied by a feeling of pain in the stomach, and as the contraction time becomes shorter, the pain becomes worse.

After a woman is pregnant, her body changes need to be noticed. Any change in her body determines her health and fetal development. When abnormal, you need to go to the hospital for examination in time, and the pregnancy examination during pregnancy should beTime.