Problem description: Brushing my teeth in the morning and vomiting. I saw a small bug and I want to consult what it is. I have vomiting symptoms every morning. I must vomit every day before eating. I have tooth decay. I have had a gastroscope some time ago. , It’s okay to ask the doctor for help to see if this is a worm or roundworm or something else. How can I treat it. There is a video that is more intuitive but it seems impossible to pass. The bug will move.
Problem date:2020-09-04
Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis:The situation first rule out whether the patient has biliary ascariasis Is it possible?
Guidelines:Patients need to go to the hospital for related liver and gallbladder examinations to confirm the diagnosis.
Recommendations are for reference only, please go to the hospital for detailed examination if the problem is serious