I am a tomb thief. Although I have good skills, I have bad luck, so I can’t make a fortune. This time, I decided to make a desperate move to steal an ancient tomb that my colleagues dared not go to. I heard that there are many treasures in it.

In order to succeed, I asked Weilai Le Dabao to be my assistant.

Before leaving, I said to Le Dabao: “The reason why our colleagues dare not steal the ancient tomb is because there is a virus in the air around the ancient tomb. , Once a person is infected, he will be terminally ill. Some time ago, I specially asked an expert to prepare an injection against this virus. I have already taken it, and now I have to give it to you.”

Le Dabao refused, because although he was bold, he was most afraid of injections.

I knew his weakness, and I was prepared. So I gave Le Dabao a sleeping pill first, and then put the needle into his body after he fell asleep.

In the evening, I came to the ancient tomb alone. In addition to the tool bag, I also had a skin bag.

I didn’t immediately dig the tomb, but waited quietly.

After a while, a man in black appeared in front of me. He was a ghost in black. With his feet hanging in the air and a long hood covering his head, he floated in front of me in the blink of an eye.

“Here you are, Uncle Ghost!” Although I was frightened, I pretended to calmly pass the bag up.

The skin is filled with blood, specifically Le Dabao’s blood.

In fact, what I have heard before is: The reason why colleagues dare not come to this ancient tomb is because there is a vampire here, and the blood of the tomb robber will be absorbed by him. So, in order to deal with this ghost, I lied to Le Dabao and said that he would be vaccinated, but after he fell asleep, I drained his blood. I think all the blood in a person is enough for this ghost to suck at once. After he drank Le Dabao’s blood and left contentedly, I could safely steal the tomb and collect money.

Sure enough, as I expected, this ghost was very satisfied with my gift. He grabbed the skin bag and drank all the blood in one breath. I stepped back and waited for him to leave.

However… he did not leave, but approached me step by step.

I was scared and paralyzed: “Uncle Ghost, I have given you all the blood on a person, are you still not satisfied?”

The ghost replied: “The blood was originally mine, how can it be considered that you gave it? Now, I am going to drink your blood.”

He continued to approach step by step, At the same time I pulled up the hood, I saw Le Dabao’s hideous face…