Xiao Li is an ordinary company employee and earns just enough salary to survive.
One day, I met Xiao Zhang on the way home. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li are high school classmates, and they have a good relationship. He made a lot of money and became a small well-known boss.
Xiao Zhang insisted to take Xiao Li to eat at home, but Xiao Li was too bad to refuse and went with him. Xiao Zhang’s house is called a style, and Xiao Li almost didn’t feel embarrassed to go in.
“Xiao Li, what do you think of this newly bought vase.” Xiao Zhang boasted, “This is from the Ming Dynasty. I paid a lot of money to buy it.” Xiao Li, a commoner who works all day long. Understand these, keep nodding and say good things.
So Xiao Zhang took the opportunity to introduce him to some other objects in the house, such as Qing Dynasty stools, Ming Dynasty tables, and Song Dynasty bowls, which made Xiao Li really embarrassed.
Finally, Xiao Li thought that he could have a stable meal. “Xiao Li, it’s not easy for everyone to get together to have a drink at a bar. I have a ten-year-old Maotai Wuliangye. I choose what I want to drink.” Xiao Li said, “You don’t know how much I drink. I get drunk when I drink liquor “Then drink some wine. It has been aged for more than ten years. If you are here today, just drink it.”
Xiao Li bit his head and finished the meal, Xiao Zhang sent him to the door, and when he left, Xiao Li invited Xiao Zhang to eat at his house the next day.
The next day, Xiao Zhang came to Xiao Li’s house. “I’m so sorry, Xiao Zhang, there is nothing to entertain you at home, so let’s drink some juice first.”
Xiao Zhang took a sip, frowned, and vomited out all he had just drunk with a wow “What did you give me a drink.” “I went to your house yesterday and found that you particularly like old things. The staff can’t afford high-end goods, so they can only get some juice that has been aged for a few years to entertain you.”
“Ah, can I still drink this.” Xiao Zhang didn’t even bother to eat. After a few words of greeting, he got up and went out.
Xiao Li seemed to think of something and ran to the bedroom to get something and chased it out. He chased after him and shouted: “Xiao Zhang, wait, you haven’t read some ten-year old newspapers I prepared for you.”