Problem description: The flow of people was completed on August 16, and the re-examination was conducted on August 26. On the day of the re-examination, there was a little blood in the doctor’s examination, but it would not flow out. Today, the left and right sides of the abdomen are a bit painful, like labor pains, and then there is dark blood in the toilet early in the morning.
Date of the problem: 2020-09-05
Patient information:< /b>Age: 22 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, after the abortion operation, there will usually be a small amount of bleeding, which lasts for about a week.
Guide and suggestion: According to your current description, it is very likely that the uterus has not fully recovered. If there is only a small amount of brown discharge, you can also observe first, if there is a lot of bleeding , It is best to review the color Doppler ultrasound.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection