Problem description:Hello doctor, my wife has a gynecological disease. After the same room, a small amount of blood appeared in the vagina, accompanied by pain, back pain, and stomach pain. Still itchy. What is going on
Question date:2020-09-05
Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: Female
< b>Problem analysis: Hello, from the situation described, if you have sex during the premenstrual period, you may have these uncomfortable symptoms, and then consider the symptoms caused by cervical erosion and urogenital infection.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended not to have sex in the premenstrual period and menstrual period, drink warm water, maintain personal hygiene, and avoid spicy and greasy diet. Levofloxacin hydrochloride can be treated by oral administration. If the symptoms cannot be relieved, leucorrhea routine tests, cervical liquid-based cytology, HPV virus testing, etc. can be performed.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection